
Victoria Returns to Stage 3 Restrictions

Published Tue 07 Jul 2020

Unfortunately, the Victorian Government has advised that based on the advice of the Chief Health Officer, Stage 3 "Stay at Home" restrictions will be reinstated across metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire from 11:59pm on Wednesday 8 July.

The link contains details of the Local Government (LGA) areas affected. Regional Victoria is unaffected by the reinstatement of these Stage 3 restrictions, with the exception of Mitchell Shire.

Community sport will once again be prohibited, and indoor sports centres will be closed in these areas.

TTV will continue to liaise closely with Sport and Recreation Victoria (SRV) and other peak bodies such as Vic Sport, to bring you the latest updates as they become available.

Please stay safe, look after each other, and take all necessary safety precautions to ensure that we are able to resume normal activity as soon as possible.
