
Regional Victoria Getting Closer to a Return to Indoor Sport

Published Mon 19 Oct 2020

Following the Premier’s announcement regarding the easing of some restrictions yesterday, we would like to advise members of certain changes affecting table tennis activities.

Regional Victoria (from 11:59pm on November 1)

  • x 20 Under 18’s players in an indoor setting (no adult play).
  • We are currently seeking clarification on specific details such as treatment of coaches, parents and spectators, as well as space requirements, etc.
  • We will communicate these details as soon as possible.

(Note that all players must be registered to comply with Conditions of Affiliation and insurance coverage requirements – reduced membership rates are now applicable).

Metro Melbourne

No significant changes, with indoor venues remaining closed.

  • now allowed to travel 25km from their home for exercise or outdoor activities with no time limit.
  • We have recently put together a map of outdoor table tennis tables on the TTV website to help you all find a place to get in a hit within your 25km radius.

As we learn more details regarding the easing of restrictions, we will update our Affiliates and members promptly – please keep visiting the TTV website and Facebook page regularly for updates.
