Fast Five with Board Director Andrew Weiss
Published Fri 15 Oct 2021
The last 12 months have seen a lot of changes to the TTV board with five new directors joining since 2020. We thought it would be a great time to take a moment and get to know some of our more recent TTV Board members a little better with five fast questions.
Recently we spoke to Andrew Weiss to learn a bit more about him, his background and goals for his time at TTV.
1. Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
“I am the founder and Managing Director of my own businesses - My Sport Live and My Event Live - designed to provide streaming, video and media services to sporting clubs and organisations as well as for other events.
“Before this, I spent eight years in motorcycle sport - four years at Motorcycling Australia, and four as the CEO at Motorcycling Victoria.
“I am married with two kids and two pets, love all sport and continue to be heavily involved in many local sporting clubs.”
2. What brought you to TTV?
“After seven years since leaving motorcycling and having established my businesses, I felt the time was right to come back and help give back to a sporting organisation at Board Level.
“I have missed being at the coal-face within a SSO, and after finishing four years on the School Council at my local Primary School, I waited for the right opportunity.
“Having been involved with TTV and TTA over the past decade, and knowing how progressive TTV is, it felt like a great fit to come on board and help with my current skillset.”
3. What are your goals for TTV?
“First and foremost it is to navigate the sport, our clubs and our members through the tricky period that continues to present itself with Covid.
“Diving deeper into where I’d like to see TTV heading, it is based around the collaboration with the entire table tennis community into the refinement and successful implementation of the TTV Strategic Plan.
“There are plenty of opportunities to grow, develop and promote our sport, and in working with all our stakeholders I hope to see some of these opportunities implemented and thrive.”
4. What do you find rewarding and challenging about serving on the board of an SSO?
“I love working within a State Sporting Organisation framework, because I really do believe that the grassroots communities are the very heartbeat that keeps a sport alive. I love working with and for members, players, clubs, volunteers, officials, coaches - the whole gambit, and trying to provide the best platform for EVERYONE who wants to be part of the sport.
“I also really love being part of a group of likeminded individuals who are working hard and within the best interest of a sport - and love the feeling of being able to play a role and contribute to that.”
5. What would you say to the TTV members during this time?
“I think the most important thing is that I hope everyone stays safe and healthy (both physically and mentally) throughout this tough time. There is always someone to talk to if you are doing it tough.
“In terms of TTV - we have a wonderful Board assembled with an incredibly diverse group that have really gelled well together. Despite the current covid restrictions on the sport, it is a really exciting time as we look to progress everything in the post-covid era!”