2016 Australian Open Veterans Table Tennis Championships
Published Thu 04 Aug 2016
The 2016 Australian Open Veterans Table Tennis Championships will be held from 14 - 22 October, in Sydney, NSW.
The entry form is now available.
If you are not a member of a State or Presidents team and are thinking of going to Sydney to play in the individual events, the entry form (marked Sydney 2016) is to be completed and returned to the TTV office no later than Friday, 12 August or to Brian and Bev James no later than Thursday, 1st September. **Please note that your entry form must be signed off by the TTV office before being sent to Brian and Bev James.
All nominated State and President team members to complete the entry form (sand in color) which was either given or mailed to you within the last few days and forward to the TTV office no later than Friday, 12 August. The entry form (marked vic players) is also below if you have misplaced it.