2025 S-Trend Victorian Open Championships
For the third year running, Table Tennis Victoria is thrilled to have the bustling regional city of Traralgon hosting the 2025 S-Trend Victorian Open on Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 April.
With an uplift in prize money, Victoria’s most prestigious event will be held at the Gippsland Regional Indoor Sports Stadium (GRISS) showcasing top-tier table tennis talent in the sports centenary year.
< Venue >
Gippsland Regional Indoor Sports Stadium, Catterick Cres, Traralgon VIC 3844
GRISS does not open until 8am on Saturday and Sunday, please do not try to get into the Stadium before the opening hours.
< Entries, Timetable and Draft Draw >
Junior Entries |
Senior, Para & Veterans Entries |
< Prizes >
With Table Tennis Victoria celebrating our centenary in 2025, prizemoney has been increased for entrants from U15 to O85.
• Open Singles: $1,000 for Winners, $500 for Runners-Up, $200 for Semi-Finalists
• Aged & Para Singles: $80 for Winners, $40 for Runners-Up
• Division Singles: $60 for Winners, $30 for Runners-Up
• Open Doubles & Mixed Doubles: $40 for Winners, $20 for Runners-Up
• Aged Doubles & Mixed Doubles: $30 for Winners, $15 for Runners-Up
*To winners of last year's Victorian Open who possess a trophy, please kindly engrave and return it to the TTV office before or at the event.*
< Visiting Traralgon >
For more information on accommodation, where to eat and drink or scenic day trips in and around Gippsland, head to their brand new website below, made just for our table tennis community:
🏓Welcome to our table tennis guests🏓
Read the review and results of 2024 Victorian Open Championships HERE.📝
Check out the awesome photos from the 2024 Victorian Open Championships HERE.📸